• Stiltecafé geopend om mensen die doof of slechthorend zijn in dienst te nemen, op te leiden en te serveren
  • Klanten bestellen hun eten en drinken aan de hand van gebarentaal
  • Initiatief is één van de winnaars van de 2017 Ford College Community Challenge

Bij een nieuw Duits pop-up café, dat wordt gerund door dove obers en serveersters, bestellen gasten aan de hand van gebarentaal hun eten en drinken. Café Ohne Worte is een van de winnaars van de 2017 Ford College Community Challenge (Ford C3). Dit is een opleidingsprogramma van Ford Motor Company dat subsidies verstrekt aan initiatieven van studenten gericht op het opbouwen van duurzame gemeenschappen. Café Ohne Worte biedt mensen die doof of slechthorend zijn een start in de horeca en de mogelijkheid om verbinding te maken met de dovengemeenschap. Tevens laat het restaurant de mensen die geen gehoorproblemen hebben beter begrijpen en waarderen hoe het is om te leven in een stille wereld. Lees verder

Lees hieronder het complete bericht in het Engels.

The initiative is supported by café owners who make their premises available for the pop-up events and is the brainchild of students from the University of Cologne, in Germany. They were inspired after witnessing first hand the difficulties faced by deaf people trying to order lunch in a regular café. By 2025 it is predicted that around 90 million members of Europe’s aging population will suffer from some kind of hearing impairment. *

“Being deaf can effectively cut you from the rest of society, even when it comes to something as apparently simple as ordering a coffee – or working as a waiter or waitress,” said Frederike Höfermann, a 19-year-old business student, and project manager at Café Ohne Worte. “The pop-up café has proved so popular that we are now looking to extend to further locations in Germany, and then roll out the concept in Europe.”

Café Ohne Worte is among winners of the 2017 Ford College Community Challenge (Ford C3), an education program from Ford Motor Company Fund that provides grants to student-lead programs focused on building sustainable communities. Since launching last year, around 1,000 guests have dined at seven pop-up events, held in four different cafes, and supported by up to five waiting staff each time. Guests are first introduced to their deaf server, with whom they then communicate via sign language. Pointing is allowed – if absolutely necessary.

“This is such an inspiring project to be involved in, both to see the difference that is made to those who are deaf or hard of hearing and the enthusiasm and hard work of the students who support this amazing work,” said Debbie Chennells, manager, Ford Fund, Ford of Europe.

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* http://www.deafandhoh.com/hearing_loss_statistics.html



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