• CDP noemt Ford voor het eerst op de Climate ‘A-list’ wegens acties om uitstoot en klimaatrisico’s te verminderen
  • Ford zit midden in een investering van meer dan 11,5 miljard Dollar voor het uitbouwen van aanbod van geëlektrificeerde voertuigen en biedt klanten grootste laadnetwerk in Noord-Amerika
  • Ford streeft ernaar om wereldwijd alle fabrieken voor 2035 te voorzien van 100% duurzame energie

Fords acties om uitstoot en klimaatrisico’s te verminderen, en het streven naar een koolstofarme economie, hebben het bedrijf een vermelding opgeleverd op de Climate ‘A-list’ van CDP. Ford is een van de 35 Amerikaanse bedrijven die dit jaar worden erkend. Lees verder

“Onze mensen, onze klanten en onze investeerders verwachten dat wij het maximale doen om klimaatverandering aan te pakken,” aldus Bob Holycross, Vice President Sustainability, environment and safety engineering bij Ford Motor Company. “Al meer dan twintig jaar moedigt Bill Ford, onze executive chairman, ons aan om initiatieven te ontplooien om onze impact op het milieu te verminderen en klimaatverandering tegen te gaan.”

Lees het bericht hieronder verder in het Engels:

“We believe making great vehicles, protecting the planet and maintaining a strong business are dependent on each other and not mutually exclusive priorities.”

Bruno Sarda, president of CDP North America said, “Congratulations to Ford for earning a spot on this year’s Climate ‘A List’ – the company is a model for true corporate sustainability leadership.

“Climate change is an undeniable business risk if unaddressed and we must transition to a low-carbon economy now to avoid the worst impacts,” said Sarda. “’A List’ companies know sustainability presents an exciting race to the top, an opportunity to innovate and rethink business as usual, proving that environmental responsibility simply makes good business sense.”

Ford’s commitment to reduce CO2 emissions consistent with guidelines in the Paris Climate Accord includes investing more than $11.5 billion in electric vehicles. To increase the appeal and adoption of electric vehicles, Ford is introducing zero-emissions versions some of its most successful vehicles, including the Mustang Mach-E later this year and an electric F-150 in the near future. The company also recently launched North America’s largest EV charging network.

In 2017, Ford said it had reduced carbon dioxide emissions from manufacturing operations by 30 percent per vehicle produced – eight years earlier than planned when the goal was set in 2010.

Building on that success, Ford announced a new global Carbon Reduction Strategy for manufacturing, with a significant emphasis on renewable energy and a continued focus on low-emission sources and energy efficiency. Ford has set an aspirational goal to run all its manufacturing plans globally on 100-percent renewable energy by 2035.

CDP is a global environmental impact nonprofit, and its annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. In 2019, more than 525 investors with assets in excess of $96 trillion, along with 125 major purchasers which together spend US$3.6 trillion on procurement, have asked companies to disclose data on environmental effects, risks and opportunities through CDP’s platform. More than 8,400 responded.

A detailed and independent methodology is used by CDP to assess these companies, allocating grades of A to D- based on the comprehensiveness of disclosure, awareness and management of environmental risks. CDP also encourages companies to demonstrate best practices associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets. Those that don’t disclose or provide insufficient information are given a failing grade.

To learn more about Ford’s sustainability performance, data and reporting, please visit sustainability.ford.com.


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Sebastiaan van de Pol
Press & Public Affairs

Sebastiaan van de Pol
PR Manager Ford Nederland B.V.
Telefoon: +31(0)20-5044504
E-mail: prfordnl@ford.com